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Elon Musk criticizes Tesla ads as "far too generic", fires entire marketing team


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Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla, has reportedly made the decision to dismiss the entire marketing team. This move comes less than a year after Musk had given the green light for a traditional advertising push. The team, known as the “growth content” team, was led by Alex Ingram and consisted of about 40 employees.


The dismissal of the team is part of a larger wave of layoffs at Tesla. These layoffs have affected more than 10% of the global workforce of around 140,000 staffers. The suddenness of the layoffs left many employees blindsided, with some only discovering their dismissal when their keycards no longer granted them access to the office.


Musk’s decision to cut the marketing team signifies a reversal in Tesla’s advertising strategy. The company had long relied on word-of-mouth and non-traditional methods to build its brand. However, last year, Musk announced that Tesla would "try a little advertising and see how it goes".


Despite this, Musk has now criticized the ads as being "far too generic". This criticism comes despite Tesla having spent significant amounts on advertising, including $200,000 on ads on Twitter.



This development raises questions about the future direction of Tesla’s marketing strategy. Will the company return to its roots and rely solely on word-of-mouth and non-traditional methods? Or will a new marketing team be formed to take a different approach to advertising?




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Image: Frédéric Legrand | Dreamstime.com

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