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Instagram revamps algorithm to 'reward' original content, filter out aggregators of reposted images & videos

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Instagram is revamping its ranking algorithm, to ‘reward’ original content. This shift, announced by Adam Mosseri, Head of Instagram, on April 30, 2024, is set to redefine the social media landscape.




A post shared by Adam Mosseri (@mosseri)



The new algorithm update prioritizes content created from scratch over reshared posts. This change is a significant departure from the previous practice, where marketers often relied on reposting content from other creators to maintain a consistent social media presence.


However, the winds of change are blowing. Instagram’s new policy aims to reward creators who invest time and effort in crafting unique content. This move is expected to enhance user experience by reducing the redundancy of content in their feeds.


Yet, the definition of ‘originality’ remains a gray area. Questions arise about content that is edited outside of Instagram or content that is reshared due to brand mentions. As Mosseri puts it, "Identifying ‘originality’ is hard though, so we will iterate over time".


This algorithm overhaul is also set to impact aggregator accounts, which primarily repost other users’ work. Instagram is adjusting its ranking system to give smaller accounts more distribution. The company aims to correct its ranking system to give all creators a more equal chance of reaching new audiences.


Reposted Reels will be replaced with the original clip in suggestions when identical content is detected. Accounts that share reposted Reels will be tagged, crediting the original creator. Aggregator accounts that repeatedly publish unoriginal content could face penalties, including a halt in recommendations.


According to Mosseri, the new changes will roll out over the coming months.

How will these updates impact your Instagram strategy? We invite you to share your thoughts and experiences.



Read more:


Images: Boumenjape and Artur Kutskyi | Dreamstime.com

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