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Google bans ads that promote deepfake adult content and generators

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Google has updated its ad content policy to explicitly prohibit the promotion of services that generate deepfake adult content. This marks the first time the tech giant has taken such a definitive stance against the advertising of deepfake adult content creation services.


The new policy update targets ads promoting synthetic content that has been altered or generated to be sexually explicit or contain nudity. This includes websites, apps, and services offering tools or instructional content on how to create non-consensual nude images using AI.


Previously, Google’s policy was less specific, covering ads promoting "text, image, audio, or video of graphic sexual acts intended to arouse". However, the recent update has made it clear that the promotion of these services is not allowed, regardless of whether the content is sexually explicit or not.


Violations of this policy are considered “egregious” by Google, resulting in account suspensions and permanent advertising bans for offenders. In Google’s own words, violators "will not be allowed to advertise with us again".


This crackdown follows a disturbing trend of people being victimized by AI-generated adult imagery shared widely online without their consent. In response to this, lawmakers have introduced bipartisan legislation, the DEFIANCE Act, to allow victims legal recourse to sue creators and disseminators of non-consensual digital forgeries.


Google’s decision to ban ads promoting AI-generated adult content is a significant step in the fight against non-consensual deepfake pornography. But will this move be enough to curb the spread of such content? We’d love to hear your thoughts on this matter.



Read more:


Image: Daniil Peshkov | Dreamstime.com


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