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Dr Pepper topples Pepsi to become the 2nd most popular soda last year (partly thanks to TikTok)

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Dr Pepper has bubbled up to the second spot in the soda market, leaving Pepsi trailing behind. This shift in the carbonated beverage landscape marks a significant milestone for the Texas-born brand.


For years, Pepsi held its ground as the second most popular soda, right after Coca-Cola. However, recent data from Beverage Digest reveals a change in consumer preferences. Dr Pepper, with its unique blend of 23 flavors, has slowly but surely been gaining traction.


The rise of Dr Pepper can be attributed to its successful marketing strategies and innovative product offerings. The brand has been experimenting with new flavors which were popular with the TikTok audience, such as Dr Pepper Strawberries & Cream, which was introduced last year and was a standout success. They’ve also rolled out trendy limited-time flavors, like Dr Pepper Creamy Coconut.






On the other hand, Pepsi’s popularity has been slipping in recent years. Some attribute this to PepsiCo’s focus on its zero sugar lines and its massive food business, including brands like Quaker and Frito-Lay.


In addition, according to WSJ, Pepsi and Coca-Cola often have exclusive contracts with fast-food chains, whereas Dr Pepper can be sold alongside both.


Despite this shift, Coca-Cola continues to lead the soda market. Yet, the rise of Dr Pepper signals a changing tide in the soda industry. It’s a reminder that consumer preferences are ever-evolving, and brands must continually innovate to stay relevant.




A post shared by Dr Pepper (@drpepper)



What’s next for these soda giants? Will Dr Pepper continue its upward trajectory, or will Pepsi reclaim its spot? And how will Coca-Cola respond to these shifts in the market? Share your thoughts below.



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Image:  Edgars Sermulis | Dreamstime.com

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