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LEGO is going viral for humorous tweets seemingly posted by a cat


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LEGO recently released a Tuxedo Cat model, and it’s purrfectly showing the set off.


Taking to X (formerly Twitter), the company shared a string of gibberish, before swiftly posting a picture of the build pointing to the culprit behind the tweet.





The stunt, conjured up by The LEGO Agency in Singapore, has been lauded as a masterclass in social media marketing.


Now, back to the build itself. The Tuxedo Cat boasts intricate details and impressive posability. You can customize your feline friend’s expression with interchangeable eyes (yellow or blue) and a mouth that can be a mischievous grin or a contented purr. The head, ears, paws, and tail are all adjustable too, allowing you to create playful poses that capture your cat's unique personality.


This 762-piece set offers a welcome alternative to a real feline companion. It requires no feeding, sheds no fur, and won't bat at your valuables.


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