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Apple often casts its own employees to model in its photos

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T-Mobile billboard on the Sunset Strip. RLFE Pix / Alamy Stock Photo


Apple’s marketing is renowned for its clean aesthetics and focus on user experience. But a subtle detail often goes unnoticed: the people in its imagery.


While many brands utilize professional models, the Cupertino tech giant frequently features its own team leads, as revealed by former Apple engineer Luca Lupo.


“It’s not because Apple is cheap,” Lupo said. “It’s to recognize some of the team members [who] took part [in] the development.”



It’s a smart move. People connect better with those they perceive as real, and employees inherently embody the brand’s values having lived and breathed the company culture.














Source: https://x.com/jdluk87/status/1798170119262380146

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