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Ashton Kutcher believes AI can create movies much cheaper and faster than traditional human crews

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Ashton Kutcher, the renowned actor and tech enthusiast, has ignited a debate about the future of the film industry. Kutcher envisions artificial intelligence (AI) playing a pivotal role in movie production, potentially replacing traditional methods.


Kutcher’s comments came during a conversation with former Google CEO Eric Schmidt at the Berggruen Salon in Los Angeles. The actor, known for his roles in ‘That ’70s Show’ and ‘Dude, Where's my Car?’, has been experimenting with OpenAI’s generative video tool, Sora. He expressed admiration for the tool’s capabilities, stating that it could generate realistic footage.


The actor believes that AI could significantly reduce production costs. He illustrated this by explaining how an establishing shot of a house, which would cost thousands of dollars to shoot traditionally, could be created for just $100 using AI. Kutcher also described another example where, "in five minutes", he could render a video of ultramarathoner being chased by a sandstorm in a desert, without having to "hire a CGI department to do it."


Despite the potential benefits, Kutcher’s remarks have been met with criticism. Critics argue that the widespread adoption of AI in filmmaking could lead to job losses in the industry. However, Kutcher believes AI's growing impact would drive up humanity's demand for live, authentic entertainment.



Kutcher’s comments have certainly stirred up a conversation about the role of AI in the film industry. As AI continues to evolve, it will be interesting to see how the industry adapts to these changes.



Kutcher has also responded, in a post on X, clarifying that he does not think “AI will replace the film industry” but “jobs will change, denying that is turning a blind eye to facts.”



Do you believe AI could revolutionize the film industry, or do you share the concerns of those who fear job losses? Share your views in the comments below.



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Top image: Hutchinsphoto | Dreamstime.com

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