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Kanye West settles legal dispute over unauthorized sampling of Donna Summer's 'I Feel Love'

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Kanye West and the estate of the late Donna Summer have found common ground. The dispute, which revolved around the unauthorized use of the iconic track ‘I Feel Love’, has been settled. This resolution marks the end of a contentious chapter in the music industry’s ongoing dialogue about copyright and artistic freedom.


The disagreement originated from West’s album ‘Vultures 1’, where the song ‘Good (Don’t Die)’ featured elements of Summer’s 1977 hit. The estate, managed by Summer’s husband Bruce Sudano, claimed that permission for the sample was explicitly denied. Despite this, the track was released with recognizable parts of ‘I Feel Love’, leading to the lawsuit.


The settlement, reached on June 20, 2024, resulted in the removal of ‘Good (Don’t Die)’ from streaming platforms. While the terms of the agreement remain undisclosed, the case has been dismissed with prejudice. This outcome underscores the importance of respecting original compositions and the rights of artists.


This isn’t the first time West has faced such allegations. Previous claims of infringement have been made regarding the use of a Backstreet Boys sample and Black Sabbath’s ‘Iron Man’. These instances highlight the complexities of navigating the music industry’s legal landscape.


How will this settlement influence future discussions around sampling and copyright in the music industry? We invite you to share your thoughts below.



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Image: StarstockMichael Bush | Dreamstime.com

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