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Toys"R"Us debuts its first brand commercial created with OpenAI Sora

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Toys"R"Us has unveiled its “first-of-its-kind” commercial created with OpenAI’s Sora. The groundbreaking release by a well-known global brand marks a significant leap in the use of AI technology in mainstream advertising.


The advertisement, a collaborative effort between Toys"R"Us Studios and the ad agency Native Foreign, tells the tale of the much-loved Toys ‘R’ Us brand’s beginnings. The film tells the story of how a youthful Charles Lazarus transformed toy stores forever, featuring the beloved mascot Geoffrey the Giraffe coming to him in a dream. This dream, much to the delight of generations of children, came true.



The video was premiered during the prestigious 2024 Cannes Lions Festival, showcasing it to an audience of brand and advertising industry leaders.


According to the press release, the video was brought from concept to reality in just a few weeks, demonstrating the efficiency and potential of AI in creative production.


Nik Kleverov, Chief Creative Officer at Native Foreign, expressed his honor in creating the first brand film made with OpenAI’s Sora. He also revealed that about a dozen creatives worked on the ad, which features original music. 



“Our brand embraces innovation and the emotional appeal of Toys"R"Us to connect with consumers in unexpected ways,” said Kim Miller Olko, Toys"R"Us Global Chief Marketing Officer and President of Toys"R"Us Studios.


Following a recent debate over Ashton Kutcher's remarks on AI’s efficiencies in filmmaking over traditional human crews, this release has furthered conversation within the creative industry. Some applauded Toys“R”Us for “taking the lead”, while others commented that it looked “lifeless and eerie.”



However, the adoption of Sora by a mainstream brand is a strong signal of the direction the advertising industry is heading. What are your thoughts on this? Is it just riding the hype train or is generative creativity here to stay?



Read more:



Image: Toys"R'Us/PRNewswire


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Guest glasses

The kid's eye glasses change three times in this -- maybe it's actually an ad for Pearle Vision?

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