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The elusive street artist Banksy has struck again, this time with a fifth piece in a whirlwind of animal-themed murals taking London by storm.



A post shared by Banksy (@banksy)


The latest artwork features a pair of pelicans perched atop a Walthamstow fish and chip shop. The piece has been enthusiastically embraced by the local community. Residents are thrilled to have a Banksy in their neighborhood, which has brought significant attention and excitement to the area. Even the local Labour MP has commended the new work within her constituency.

This is Banksy's fifth artwork in just five days, and  comes hot on the heels of the controversial removal of his fourth piece —a howling wolf in Peckham —which was stolen minutes after its unveiling yesterday.


The pelicans also join the ranks of the previously unveiled elephant greetings in Chelsea, monkeys swinging across a Shoreditch overpass, and an ibex scaling a Kew building. These works mark a distinct departure from Banksy’s usual politically and socially charged pieces, leaving fans and art critics alike scratching their heads.


While the anonymous artist remains tight-lipped on social media, providing no commentary on the series’ meaning, speculation runs rampant. Some interpret the animal theme as a commentary on the current state of affairs in the UK, perhaps a response to the ongoing immigration-related riots. Others see it as a poignant reminder of the wildlife crisis and the impact of climate change on the natural world. Some also mentioned that it could be a commentary on the latest Palestinian happenings, given Banksy’s history of addressing such issues.



With five murals down and the city buzzing with anticipation, the question remains: will the Bristol-based artist continue this animal-themed spree? What new creature will grace the London landscape next? And most importantly, what do you think Banksy is trying to tell us?



Image: Banksy


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