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British Airways' classy new billboards are making onlookers' hearts soar


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Flying shouldn’t be a turbulent experience, and British Airways’ serene latest out-of-home (OOH) campaign is making sure you know it. Called Doors, it invites you to close the world out and enjoy a sliver of tranquility at 35,000 feet.




The less-is-more visuals, captured by photographer Christopher Anderson, cleverly illustrates moments of calm as passengers sit back in the private confines of their luxurious seats through the magic of subtlety. Bystanders are only granted a peek of what takes place behind the closed doors of Club World business class seats.


Surrounded by plenty of white space, the designs—coupled with neat copywriting—highlight the spaciousness and privacy that come with this premium service.




The rollout rides on the high of the viral, award-winning Windows campaign between British Airways and Uncommon Creative Studio that made waves at Cannes. Unsurprisingly, the campaign has drawn a similar level of fascination.



“This OOH campaign should be hanging in the Louvre,” suggests digital communications expert Garth Manthé.


“They put you in first class mind,” one viewer chimes in.




Doors has popped up on billboards and panels across England, inviting those on the ground to enjoy the hush of the skies if only for a second.







Images: Uncommon Creative Studio

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