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Canva draws backlash after announcing subscription price hikes by up to 300%

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Canva, the popular graphic design platform, has announced a substantial price increase of up to 300% for its Canva Teams subscription plan.


This move comes as the company gears up for a potential public listing in the United States, following in the footsteps of other Australian tech giants like Atlassian. The price hike has left many small businesses and long-time users questioning the affordability of the platform.



The price adjustment, which will take effect in January 2025, is attributed to Canva’s investment in new AI-powered design tools and a major platform redesign. The company has introduced a suite of AI-driven features, including the Visual Suite and Magic Studio, aimed at enhancing team collaboration and brand management. Despite the significant increase, Canva maintains that its Teams subscription remains one of the most cost-effective design solutions on the market.


The announcement has sparked a backlash among users, with many taking to social media to express their dissatisfaction.



Some customers in the US have reported their annual fees increasing from $120 for up to five users to a staggering $500.



Canva has offered a 40% discount for the first year to ease the transition, but the new pricing structure remains a significant jump for many. As Canva continues to expand its product offerings and target larger enterprises, the company faces the challenge of balancing innovation with affordability for its diverse user base.




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Image: Timon Schneider | Dreamstime.com



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