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Popular NSFW manga 'piracy' site sued for copyright violations in the US

Garth Gator

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Looks like nHentai’s getting more action than it bargained for, but this time in the courtroom. The popular adult manga platform is facing a steamy legal battle over copyright infringement concerns.


PCR Distributing, the company behind hentai brands J18 and JAST USA, has slapped nHentai with a lawsuit in a California federal court, claiming that the “piracy” website nHentai distributes copyrighted materials without permission.


nHentai, pulling in over 70 million monthly visitors, has become a major hub for adult manga, called hentai, and doujinsh (self-published print works). This popularity, however, has drawn the ire of copyright holders who assert the site ignores DMCA takedown requests.


The lawsuit’s core argument hinges on nHentai's operational model. Unlike platforms that allow user-uploaded content and can claim safe harbor protections under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), nHentai directly distributes content. PCR argues this distinction leaves nHentai vulnerable to copyright infringement claims.


This legal action follows an unsuccessful confidential settlement attempt, suggesting things got a bit too heated behind closed doors.


PCR is thus seeking substantial damages and an injunction to shut down nHentai, including the transfer of its domain. Meanwhile, nHentai's defense team is fighting tooth and nail to protect the identities of the site's operators from exposure through DMCA subpoenas.




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