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The Design Museum in London is about to open the doors to The World of Tim Burton, an exhibition that promises to be as quirky and captivating as the man himself. From October 25, 2024, to April 21, 2025, this showcase will offer visitors an in-depth exploration of Tim Burton’s imaginative universe, featuring more than 600 items from his personal archive.


Renowned for his signature blend of the whimsical, eerie, and delightfully offbeat, the Beetlejuice director  has left an indelible mark on both cinema and art. This exhibition will spotlight his multifaceted career, not only as a filmmaker but also as an illustrator, painter, photographer, and author.


Visitors will have the opportunity to see a vast array of Burton’s artistic creations, ranging from drawings and paintings to photographs, sketchbooks, and even sculptural installations. The exhibit will also feature set and costume designs that brought his iconic films to life.


A major highlight? Jenna Ortega’s unforgettable Wednesday Addams dress from the Netflix hit Wednesday. This will be the first time the public can view the iconic Rave’N dance dress, alongside Ortega’s school uniform and Burton’s original character concept drawings. But the magic doesn’t stop there—other standout pieces include Michelle Pfeiffer’s Catwoman costume from 1992’s Batman Returns and Christina Ricci’s black-and-white striped dress from 1999’s Sleepy Hollow. These pieces, along with a variety of props, give visitors an intimate look into Burton’s whimsical world and creative collaborations that shaped his beloved characters.


After a decade-long global tour with stops in cities like Tokyo, Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Prague, The World of Tim Burton finally lands in London, its last destination. This exhibition is a rare opportunity for fans and art lovers to witness the full scope of Burton’s creativity, from his early projects to his most recent works. It’s the culmination of a worldwide journey, making this final stop a must-see event.


Tickets for the exhibition are already on sale, with prices starting at £19.69 for adults and £9.85 for children aged 6 to 15. There are also discounted rates available for students and concession holders. For those who want a deeper experience, the Design Museum offers memberships that include unlimited access to exhibitions, discounts on educational events, and more.


Design Museum
224-238 Kensington High Street
London W8 6AG
United Kingdom




Images: Rinofelino | Dreamstime.com , The Design Museum


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