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Vintage Ferraris Ravaged By Hurricane Speed To Auction Reenacting Their Calamity


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Amid the echoes of a powerful storm that wreaked havoc in 2004, a collection of vintage Ferrari race cars has emerged as silent witnesses to nature’s fury. The barn that once shielded these Italian legends from the elements now stands as a testament to resilience, as RM Sotheby’s prepares to unveil a treasure trove of automotive history called ‘Lost & Found’ during the Monterey Car Week.

Bearing the scars of a fateful hurricane that struck in 2004, this ensemble of 20 classic Ferraris has weathered the years untouched and unrestored, revealing a poignant testament to their endurance. Each car stands as a tangible artifact of both neglect and the passage of time.

To set the scene, RM Sotheby’s is even recreating the very barn that cradled these Ferraris, collapsed and tattered by the same storm, as an immersive display backdrop.

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