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Apple took 14 years to develop an official Calculator app for the iPad (but who’s counting?)


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After a wait of 14 years, Apple has finally launched its official Calculator app for iPads. This much-anticipated application was unveiled at the WWDC 2024 keynote, marking a significant milestone in the tablet's evolution since its 2010 launch.


The Calculator app, part of the iPadOS 18 update, is more than just a larger version of the iPhone calculator. It introduces a unique feature called Math Notes, which allows users to write out equations using the Apple Pencil and see changes live—in their own handwriting. This innovative feature transforms the way users interact with mathematical problems, making the process more intuitive and engaging.




The new Calculator app is not just about solving equations. It also offers a graphing feature, enabling users to write or type an equation and insert a graph with just one tap. Users can add multiple equations on the same graph to see how they relate, providing a visual representation that enhances understanding.



This advanced functionality is not limited to the Calculator app. Math Notes are automatically accessible in the Notes app in a new Math Notes folder, making it easier for users to keep track of their mathematical explorations.




The launch of the Calculator app is a significant development, especially considering that it took almost 1.5 decade to debut, iPad users had to either use the web browser or download a third-party app to do math on an iPad. The arrival of the official Calculator app, therefore, marks a new era in Apple’s commitment to enhancing user experience.


What other surprises does Apple have in store for us? How will this new addition transform the way we use iPads? Share your thoughts and join the conversation.



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