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Gymshark cajoles passersby into 'shoplifting' with its cheeky new billboard

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Do you even (shop)lift? Luckily for you, Gymshark has installed a billboard that practically invites fans to engage in a bit of light-hearted larceny. The ad, partially obscured by apparel, provocatively displayed the phrase “shop lift,” instigating passersby to take its gear home without paying.


The campaign, orchestrated by BUILDHOLLYWOOD, saw curious pedestrians swiping the clothing pieces hanging from the ad, revealing more of the billboard’s message with each item taken.






As the layers of apparel were peeled off, the complete message finally emerged: “Shop lift-ing essentials—up to 60% off everything.” This playful and interactive initiative was, in fact, a creative announcement for a sale taking place on June 27, where shoppers can presumably find some steals.




Needless to say, this campaign has got both the brains and brawn. Got thoughts on it? Share your take below!





Screenshots: Noel Mack / Gymshark

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