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Street artist Banksy's latest work has met an untimely end. A striking silhouette of a howling wolf, the fourth in a series of animal-themed artworks, was unveiled in Peckham, southeast London, only to be stolen within minutes of its appearance.


The artwork, painted onto a satellite dish on a graffiti-covered building, was shared by Banksy on Instagram. This piece follows three other animal artworks that appeared across London earlier this week: an ibex goat in Kew Green, two elephants in Chelsea, and three monkeys in Brick Lane.



A post shared by Banksy (@banksy)



Despite the initial excitement surrounding the howling wolf, the artwork's existence was fleeting. Eyewitnesses reported seeing a group of masked individuals use bolt cutters to remove the satellite dish before making a swift getaway. The theft has sparked concerns about the security and preservation of street art, especially high-profile works like Banksy's. This incident highlights the growing problem of individuals looking to profit from the unauthorized removal and sale of street art.



A post shared by Daniel Lloyd-Morgan (@dlmdoodles)



On the other side of the spectrum, this audacious theft has also fueled speculation. Was this a genuine act of vandalism, or a carefully orchestrated performance by the enigmatic artist himself? Banksy is notorious for pushing boundaries and blurring the lines between creation and destruction. Could the rapid disappearance of the howling wolf be another elaborate stunt?

Regardless of whether the theft was genuine or a stunt, one thing remains clear: Banksy has once again captured the public's imagination. Even in its fleeting existence, the howling wolf has sparked conversations about art, ownership, and the impermanence of urban landscapes. Where do you stand on the howling wolf incident? Share your thoughts and theories in the comments below.



Image: Banksy

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  • The title was changed to Banksy's howling wolf artwork stolen minutes after unveiling in Peckham
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