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'Carmen Sandiego' game returns on Xbox, Netflix, PlayStation, PC, Nintendo Switch, iOS & Android


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Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego? In 2025, she’ll be right at your fingertips! The scarlet-clad master thief is sneaking back into the gaming scene with a new puzzle-adventure that's sure to steal your attention.


Gameloft, in a clever heist of its own, has partnered with HarperCollins Productions and Netflix Games to bring Carmen Sandiego’s world to life across a multitude of platforms, including PlayStation 5, Xbox Series, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PC, iOS, and Android. No device seems safe from Carmen’s charm.


This latest caper marks a significant shift in the franchise’s approach. For the first time, players will don Carmen’s iconic red hat and trench coat, rather than chasing her shadow.



In line with the Netflix animated series that ran from 2019 to 2021, Carmen now leads the charge against her former associates, the Villains’ International League of Evil (VILE).


In this globetrotting adventure, each city will offer a fresh set of puzzles and challenges. While the educational roots of the series haven’t been forgotten, this iteration seems poised to offer a more explorative experience. Players will need to channel Carmen’s wit and resourcefulness to outsmart VILE and solve crimes across the world.


For those keeping track, this is the first major Carmen Sandiego game since 2015’s Carmen Sandiego Returns. The long hiatus seems to have given the developers time to reimagine the franchise for a new generation of players while still appealing to those who grew up asking, “Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?”


The game is set to make its debut on Netflix Games in the first quarter of 2025, with releases on other platforms following shortly after.



Image: Carmen Sandiego

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