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Disney's live-action 'Snow White' trailer crosses 1 million dislikes on YouTube

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Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest remake of them all? Not 2025’s Snow White, if the internet’s reaction is any indication. The recent teaser-trailer for Disney’s live-action adaptation has left fans feeling anything but merry, racking up over 85,000 likes but more than a million dislikes on YouTube.


The trailer, which made its debut at the D23 Expo in August, showcases Rachel Zegler as the titular character and Gal Gadot as the Evil Queen. Despite the star power and glossy production, viewers have been less than enchanted with what they’ve seen. The reimagining of the beloved 1937 animated classic has struck a sour note with many, particularly due to the decision to portray the seven dwarfs as “magical creatures” rather than their traditional selves.



This creative choice is just one of several issues that have rubbed fans (and many bad apples) the wrong way. The casting of Zegler, a Latina actress, as Snow White has led to accusations that Disney is prioritizing diversity over faithfulness to the source material. Moreover, Zegler’s own comments about the film have raised some eyebrows.




In interviews, Zegler revealed that she had only seen the original Snow White once as a child and found it frightening. She also described the prince’s role in the original story as “weird,” suggesting his behavior could be interpreted as stalking. These remarks have not sat well with fans who hold the 1937 film dear, perceiving them as dismissive of its legacy.


At the D23 Expo, Zegler shared more about her take on the character, emphasizing that this version of Snow White would not be “saved by the prince” but instead focus on becoming a leader.


Viewers have played hunter with allegations against Disney pushing a “woke” agenda, which has led to a massive kick-up by its vocal conservative audience.



Image: The Walt Disney Company

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