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Linkin Park is back in the game with a fresh face and a new beat. The alt-rock titans have announced Emily Armstrong of Dead Sara fame as their new lead vocalist, striking a chord with fans who’ve been waiting for this moment since Chester Bennington's untimely departure seven years ago.


Armstrong, known for her electrifying performances and powerhouse vocals, will share the spotlight with Mike Shinoda, promising to amp up the band’s signature sound without attempting to replace Bennington. But that’s not the only change in the lineup—Colin Brittain, a seasoned songwriter and producer, is stepping behind the drum kit, filling the shoes of Rob Bourdon who's decided to step away from the limelight.




The big reveal came during a live-streamed event where Linkin Park dropped its latest single, The Emptiness Machine, giving listeners a taste of what’s to come on its upcoming album From Zero. Set to hit the airwaves on November 15, this marks the band’s first full-length record since 2017’s One More Light.



The road to this new chapter wasn’t paved overnight. Shinoda, Delson, Farrell, and Hahn had been quietly reconnecting in recent years, not with the intention of jumpstarting the band, but simply to rekindle their friendship and creative spark. These low-key sessions saw various musical collaborators dropping by, with Armstrong and Brittain especially clicking with the group in a way that felt just right. As the hours in the studio ticked by, a natural chemistry emerged, pulling these musicians back into orbit around each other.


Mike Shinoda shared his thoughts on this exciting new phase: “Before Linkin Park, our first band name was Xero. This album title refers to both this humble beginning and the journey we're currently undertaking. Sonically and emotionally, it is about past, present, and future—embracing our signature sound, but new and full of life.”



Shinoda added:



The more we worked with Emily and Colin, the more we enjoyed their world-class talents, their company, and the things we created. We feel really empowered with this new lineup and the vibrant and energized new music we’ve made together. We’re weaving together the sonic touchpoints we’ve been known for and still exploring new ones.


Fans won't have to wait long to see the new lineup in action. Linkin Park is gearing up for a world tour, with shows planned in major cities including Los Angeles, New York, Hamburg, London, Seoul, and Bogotá. 



Watch the full livestream here:







Opening image: Linkin Park

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