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Porsche crafts hot sauce based on heart rate and other driving data


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Ready to spice up your ride? Porsche Canada has cooked up something to make your taste buds tingle and heart race.


In a campaign with creative agency Angry Butterfly entitled Cayenne Taste Drive, the automaker invited drivers to put the Cayenne model through its paces on a pepper farm. Participants navigated a custom skills course that included tight slaloms, sudden braking, side inclines, and hill descents. Interestingly, as drivers tackled these challenges, their biometric data was being collected.


Heart rates soared and facial expressions changed as drivers pushed the Cayenne to its limits under the watchful eyes of Porsche-certified instructors. This data was then crunched to produce a personalized Scoville rating for each driver. For those not familiar with culinary heat metrics, the Scoville scale measures the spiciness of chili peppers and other spicy foods.




Porsche then crafted a unique limited-edition collection of hot sauces, each reflecting different aspects of Porsche’s Cayenne model lineup.


The ‘Original’ sauce offers a sweet and garlicky flavor with just enough spice to mirror the Cayenne’s versatility. For those seeking more heat, the ‘Cayenne S’ ramps things up with cayenne peppers, mango, and pineapple.


Inspired by Porsche’s E-Hybrid, two sauces introduce apples, green cayenne peppers, ginger, and green jalapeños. The lineup is rounded out by the ‘GTS’, featuring black cherries and a trio of peppers, and the bold, smoky ‘Turbo GT’, powered by chipotle and red ghost peppers.


The launch steeps Porsche’s performance-driven DNA into a flavorful experience. The limited-edition hot sauces, now available at Porsche dealerships, were specifically designed to reflect the six different trims of the Cayenne, reinforcing the vehicle’s versatility. 



Images: Porsche Cars Canada, Ltd.

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