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Thailand's baby hippo Moo Deng is so famous worldwide, her zoo has created pants after her


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Moo Deng, the pint-sized pygmy hippopotamus from Thailand’s Khao Kheow Open Zoo, is unexpectedly giving the country’s synonymous elephant pants a run for their money.



Born on July 10, 2024, this ball of delight has been drawing awe since day one. Her name, which adorably translates to “bouncy pork” in Thai, was chosen through a public vote and perfectly captures her lively spirit.



The internet quickly fell head over heels for Moo Deng's playful antics and expressive face. Her popularity skyrocketed, turning her into a bona fide social media star and driving a surge of visitors to the zoo. Aware of the hippo-mania, the zoo launched a merchandise line earlier this month, featuring illustrations of Moo Deng’s charming mug on shirts and pants.



Now fans can wear their love for Moo Deng on their sleeve—quite literally.


Fame, however, comes with its downsides. Videos showing some visitors harassing Moo Deng by throwing objects and splashing water have surfaced. The zoo swiftly responded by beefing up security and warning of legal action against such behavior.


As a member of an endangered species, Moo Deng has inadvertently become an ambassador for conservation. With fewer than 3,000 pygmy hippos left in the wild, her popularity is shining a spotlight on the need to protect these creatures.





From gracing Sephora Thailand’s beauty campaigns to featuring in TIME magazine, this little hippo is wearing the pants, so to speak.





Images: Khao Kheow Open Zoo

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